Q: "And you really are kind of the worst mom ever."
Q to me, in car: You're so nice.
Me: Thanks, honey!
Q: But- sometimes you hurt my feelings. That means, you're not always so nice.
Me: I know, honey. Mommy isn't perfect.
Q: Only daddy is perfect, because he bes nice to me every day- but you're not.
Mommy punch me in the face right now.
Punch me.
Honey, I'm not going to punch you.
Q: Mommy, what is Darth Vader's real name?
Me: I don't know, what is it?
Q: I don't know.
Corey: We're not going to tell you, because it will ruin Empire Strikes Back for you.
Me: You'll find out when you're older.
Q: It's Skywalker.
C: Dammit.
Me: Is it really?
C: How could you not know that?
Husband, about idea that all schools should have armed guards: "The only thing that would be more ridiculous is if the NRA said all teachers should have guns. But it would be cool to have a six shooter on your hip."
Just do you know, I don't think I can participate in this cloth diaper experiment.
Me: "Because?"
I have a weak stomach. I'm squeamish. I don't like icky things. I don't like poop.
I just want to be able to throw it away and forget about it.
I want nothing to do with poop.
That's why toilets were invented.