Sunday, October 30, 2016

Perseverance: How to Become a Hamilton Star

Or a star in any career, I suppose.

I watched Renee Elise Goldberry's Tony Acceptance speech.  She mentioned that she spent her child-bearing years pursuing both her career and motherhood, and that she was so happy to be able to stand there with a Tony and say that, and to also pay tribute to her parents. I looked up her history and found a nice article on Cosmo that shows the path to success is not easy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

On... What? Seizing the Moment.

Found a page of writing from last year to type up that's still relevant:

" I've been driving around Stamford-Greewich, feeling like, it's no longer me and MY future that matter, it's my kids. 
It's one thing to have that vague notion-- it's another to look back on your life and think, WOW- there was a time when it was all about me and I totally didn't appreciate it or make the most of it!"
And this brings me to my feeling about Lin-Manuel Miranda...

And if my time is up, have I done enough?
(Why Hamilton is so great.  There is so much of the universal in it, told through those specific stories.)

HOW did Lin write two great musicals?
What kind of a brain can do that?  How did all that music get in there?

Which brings me back to my brain, which I can feel just isn't as flexible and agile as it was when I was, oh, 22, when I did what I think was my best writing.